Ongoing Training and Events (9)

OngoingOngoing Training

FFY 25 Civil Rights Self Paced Course (Spanish)

Este es un curso requerido por el USDA que enfatiza la información más importante sobre derechos civiles diseñada para apoyar el trabajo de CalFresh Healthy Living (CFHL) y las comunidades atendidas. Tenga en cuenta que todo el personal financiado por CFHL, incluido el personal estatal y local, debe completar la capacitación en Derechos Civiles cada año.
Civil Rights
CFHL General
OngoingOngoing Training

FFY 25 Civil Rights Self Paced Course (English)

This is a USDA required course that emphasizes the most important civil rights information designed to support CalFresh Healthy Living (CFHL) work and the communities served. Please note, all CFHL funded staff, including state and local staff, must complete the Civil Rights training each year.
Civil Rights
CFHL General
OngoingOngoing Training

Racial Equity and Implicit Bias (REIB) Statewide Initiative Workshops

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The REIB Statewide Initiative has brought together a collaborative of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) experts to design our training curriculum. This curriculum will be used to provide training to county welfare department staff touching the CalWORKs and CalFresh programs. The workshops will be presented in a variety of modalities, including in-person, instructor-led online classes and longer-term learning collaboratives. Workshops will be offered from Summer 2023 through Winter 2024 at no cost to counties
OngoingOngoing Training

​Breakthrough Messaging in Six Steps

Breakthrough Messaging consists of six interactive modules that explore the components of effective message development, writing and delivery. Together the modules provide the information, guidance and tools needed to become a more effective writer and communicator on behalf of your organization.